There are many reasons why someone might opt for genital plastic surgery. One common reason is to improve the appearance of the genitals, which can be a source of insecurity or embarrassment. The outer vaginal lips are called the labia majora and usually do not need to be reduced in size. It is the inner vaginal lips that can sometimes become enlarged due to childbirth, aging, genetics, or other factors.
Labiaplasty, also known as labia minora reduction, is a cosmetic surgery procedure to reduce the size of the inner vaginal lips, or labia. The procedure can be performed for functional reasons, such as to relieve discomfort during sex or exercise, or for aesthetic reasons.
Genital plastic surgery is a major procedure, so it is important to know what you’re getting yourself into when deciding on getting such a procedure done. Here are 6 useful tips to have a successful and satisfying outcome.
1. Choose a Reputable Surgeon
Labiaplasty is generally safe. However, rarely, complications can happen. Perhaps the most important factor in ensuring a successful genital plastic surgery is to choose a well-trained and highly qualified board-certified surgeon – one who has extensive experience performing the procedure.
2. Ask Questions
No surgery is routine, so don’t hesitate to ask your doctor questions. One such question is about the technique they will use in performing the labiaplasty, and why they think this is superior to other techniques in your case. Another important question you should ask is how you should prepare for your surgery and recovery.
3. Make Sure You Are Physically Healthy
It is important to be in good physical health prior to undergoing any type of surgery. This will help ensure that your body can handle the stress of surgery and recover quickly afterward. Doctors will usually ask that you stop taking supplements weeks before the surgery. Smoking significantly increases the risk of complications after any type of surgery, so it is best to quit at least two weeks before your procedure date.
4. Prepare For Your Recovery
Depending on the extent of your procedure, recovery time can range from several days to several weeks. Most women are able to return to their normal routine in one to two weeks, but any type of physical activity should be avoided for the first few days following the surgery. Refrain from sexual activity until cleared by your physician. While recovering from labiaplasty, you may need to take pain medication and antibiotics, wear loose-fitting garments, and apply a cold compress to the area for relief.
5. Be Alert to Signs of Complications
If you have any concerns or problems after surgery, contact your surgeon right away. Extreme fatigue, a high fever, excessive swelling or a feeling of warmth at the surgical site, and a foul discharge are signs of infection. Severe pain and bleeding are also signs of complications that should be evaluated by the operating surgeon as soon as possible.
6. Have Realistic Expectations
It is important to maintain realistic expectations about the results of your genital plastic surgery procedure. Labiaplasty does not make the vagina tighter, and it typically does not enhance sexual intercourse. As such, go in with realistic expectations, so you can be satisfied with the results.
Genital Plastic Surgery in North Miami, FL
If you are unhappy about the appearance of your labia, consult our board-certified OB/GYNs at Levin’s Women’s Health & Wellness Center, and we will let you know if you are a good candidate for labiaplasty. We have performed this surgery numerous times and with great results, because we always make sure to discuss it thoroughly with the patient. The entire team at Levin’s Women’s Health & Wellness Center is attentive to our patient’s needs. To schedule an appointment with one of our OB/GYNs, call our North Miami OB/GYN clinic today at (305) 981-0231 or send your request online.